
Current Research 740x300

Our PhD students are undertaking hydrogen research in a wide variety of areas.


Cheryl Duke120x150

Cheryl Duke     

University of Nottingham  (started 2021)

Research area: Quantifying environmental and resource impacts of the future UK hydrogen fuelled vehicle fleet.

Project description
This project develops novel LCA models to assess the resource and environmental implications of deploying hydrogen fuelled vehicles in the UK’s light and heavy duty road fleets. Cheryl will consider the current and future mix of hydrogen production routes, vehicle manufacture, use and end-of-life vehicle management.

Professor Jon McKechnie

Stakeholder collaboration


William baker photo

William Baker   

University of Nottingham (started 2023)

Research area: Sustainable hydrogen for agriculture and rural environments

Project description
William’s project identifies and analyses the key factors that determine how distributed sustainable hydrogen generation can help decarbonize agriculture and bring the rural environment into the hydrogen economy. The rapidly changing global environment means that the work seeks to understand the impact of different factors, so that specific scenarios can be analysed, making the understanding gained widely applicable. An important part of the work is direct engagement with stakeholders to understand their priorities and undertaking fieldwork within the UK and USA to gain understanding differences of industrial and small-scale farming, to present real-world case studies.
Associate Professor Katy Voisey, Professor Jon Mckechnie


Stephen Marr120x150

Stephen Marr

Loughborough University 

 2020 - 2024

Research area: Development of techniques and methods for sampling, calibration and testing of hydrogen purity for fuel cell vehicles.

Project description

Measurement challenges for hydrogen fuel cells are preventing the overall sector from growing. The project Stephen is looking at aims to develop a cylinder passivation technology, providing temporal stability data for the 14 trace contaminants outlined in ISO 14687-2. 

Dr Ben Buckley, Professor Upul Wijayantha, Dr Paul Holland.
Stakeholder collaboration


Andreas Ioannides sized

Andreas Ioannides   

University of Nottingham (started 2023)

Research area: Assessing the environmental and economic sustainability of hydrogen and sustainable fuels for aviation.

Project description
To achieve significant climate change mitigation in aviation, transitioning to low life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emission fuels is crucial. Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), specifically drop-in fuels, offer near-term solutions by displacing conventional fuels without requiring modifications to existing infrastructure or aircraft engines. Hydrogen, a vital input for SAF production, plays a key role in various pathways. In the long term, direct use of hydrogen as an aviation fuel shows promise due to its higher energy density than conventional fuels, potentially improving aircraft fuel efficiency. However, adopting hydrogen fuels necessitates substantial changes in both aircraft technologies and ground systems. Andreas’ project aims to comprehensively assess the potential of SAF and hydrogen fuels for low carbon aviation, considering technology readiness, fuel availability, techno-economic performance, and life cycle GHG and environmental implications.​
Assistant Professor Ioanna Demetriou, Dr Vilius Portapas, Professor Jon McKechnie


Katarina Pegg120x150

Katarina Pegg     

University of Birmingham (started 2021)

Research area: The role of green hydrogen in the West Midlands Combined Authority local energy system.

Project description

Green hydrogen production from weather dependent low carbon generation is an area of growth signposted in the UK Committee on Climate Change’s 6th Carbon Budget (published December 2020); which provides UK Government Ministers with advice on the volume of greenhouse gases the UK can emit during the period 2033-2037. Katarina’s research will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of green hydrogen generation at a local level, specifically within the West Midlands Combined Authority area.


Associate Professor Grant Wilson, Professor Bushra Al-Duri.



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Kate O'Neill

Loughborough University (started 2023)

Research area: Investigating the economic value of nuclear hydrogen

Project description

As the generation mix in energy systems is characterised by an increasing penetration of generation from renewable energy sources (RES) energy imbalances are becoming more prevalent and potentially more costly to mitigate in the absence of flexible and cost-effective forms of storage. Kate’s project will consider nuclear power as a potential source of both power and flexibility and explore the role, costs and potential value of nuclear to the wider energy system in its transition to net-zero and beyond. ​

Kate will investigate how conversion of nuclear based electricity into hydrogen not only provides storage and balancing opportunities but may also increase the return to and value of nuclear investments, by providing alternative vectors for storing and consuming energy derived from nuclear power. Kate’s research aims to develop a tool for assessing economic costs and benefits of nuclear power with hydrogen to the GB energy system.

Professor David Saal, Associate Professor Grant Wilson
Stakeholder collaboration
National Nuclear Laboratory


Salim Ubale120x150

Salim Ubale     

University of Nottingham (started 2021)

Research area: Optimisation of PEM electrolyser balance of plant operation and maintenance to maximise performance and resilience of key infrastructure.

Project description
Salim’s project seeks to develop an asset management strategy for a hydrogen plant. Given the reliability issues faced by PEM electrolysers, the project aims to increase the reliability of the plant, thereby increasing its performance and to optimise the plant operation through the application of reliability and resilience engineering principles

Dr Rasa Remenyte-Prescott, Professor David Grant, Assistant Professor Alastair Stuart

Stakeholder collaboration


John Taverner resized

John Taverner

Loughborough University (started 2023)

Research area: Understanding the lifecycle carbon footprint and costs of sustainable hydrogen energy systems

Project description
John’s project delves into comprehensive research on current hydrogen production methods. Focussing on sustainability, this project involves developing analytical models to assess the carbon footprint associated with various hydrogen production techniques. By analysing the entire lifecycle of hydrogen energy systems, from production to utilisation, John’s project aims to provide invaluable insights into environmental impact and cost-effectiveness.
Professor Wen-Feng Lin, Professor Jin Xuan


Chisom Okeke_ Photo 140x140

Chisom Okeke     

Loughborough University (started 2023)

Research area: Low-cost hydrogen technology for developing countries.

Project description

Chisom’s project aims to increase access to electricity and clean fuel by looking at the feasibility of a flow battolyser in underserved rural areas in Africa. The project will assess the use of a battolyser as a source of green hydrogen for cooking in conjunction with a solar panel based microgrid.

Dr Richard Blanchard, Dr Jonathan Wilson, Professor Dani Strickland


Amy Liscoe 130x155

Amy Liscoe   

University of Nottingham (started 2023)

Research area: Public values for a hydrogen energy system.

Project description
Amy’s project will investigate the public’s view of novel sustainable technologies and their willingness to engage with a hydrogen fuelled future. Overcoming barriers to acceptance and investigating methods of increasing engagement are imperative elements of Amy’s research. By appreciating the perspectives and views of individuals from all backgrounds, industries, and ways of life Amy aims to initiate an area of research which can progress the acceptance and application of hydrogen technologies in our society.
Associate Professor Alexa Spence, Professor Begum Tokay


Mossen Randeree resized

Mossen Randeree     

University of Birmingham (started 2023)

Research area: Developing a roadmap for adoption of sustainable hydrogen: A Delphi study of business and industry.

Project description
Mossen's research aims to identify the challenges, barriers, and opportunities for businesses involved in the transition to a low-carbon and sustainable hydrogen economy. Utilising a mixed method forecasting approach, including Delphi, Mossen will survey practitioners in a sector or industry and through interviews with experts and practitioners, the Delphi method will produce a clear roadmap for the adoption of hydrogen technologies that can inform policy, design, and use.

Associate Professor Robert Cluley, Professor William Green 



Ben Drake photo 130x156

Ben Drake

University of Nottingham (started 2023)

Research area: Investigating the use of alternative fuel pump designs for cleaner aviation.

Project description

Civil aviation needs to transition from kerosene to more sustainable fuels, liquid hydrogen (LH2) has emerged as a promising candidate. One key technological barrier to LH2 fuelled flight is reliably pumping the cryogen to the jet engines at sufficient rates for the duration of the pump’s life cycle. LH2 turbopumps have existed for decades in the rocketry sector but with an active service life measured only in minutes and not the 10,000+ hours required for civil aviation. The lifespan of a LH2 turbopump is dictated by the failure of its bearing components, a consequence of traditional lubrication being unviable in cryogenic temperatures.​

Ben will explore the operation of bearings in the harsh conditions by modelling various candidates, including foil, electromagnetic, and more conventional fluid bearing designs. The research will also explore the potential use of solid lubricants to further reduce wear.​

Dr Benjamin Rothwell, Dr Mohammadreza Amoozgar, Professor Seamus Garvey, Dr Rajab Omar 
Stakeholder collaboration
Rolls Royce


Redwan photo resized

Redwan Atwari 

Loughborough University (started 2023)

Research area: Reliability modelling of equipment engaged in the production (electrolysers) and usage of hydrogen.

Project description

Redwan’s project aims to improve the reliability and reduce the wear and tear of hydrogen production and consumption equipment, notably electrolysers. It addresses the current research gap in system and cell-level reliability of green hydrogen technology equipment. By using advanced reliability analysis techniques, the project will develop comprehensive models for equipment reliability and degradation. The methodology combines deterministic physics-based models, stochastic coloured petri nets, and machine learning to predict equipment lifespan. Validation will occur through experimental testing and system-level analysis, using shared data and literature. Redwan also plans to develop new methods to accelerate equipment degradation for more accurate reliability assessments.

Professor Lisa Jackson, Dr Ashley Fly


Joseph Walton - 91 X 150

Joseph Walton

University of Birmingham (started 2022)

Research area: Business cases for green hydrogen

Project description
Hydrogen employed in sustainable and emission-reducing projects needs to be sourced from ‘green’ feedstock and energy. Nevertheless, the majority of hydrogen sold today is ‘black’ and produced by steam reforming of natural gas. There are cost issues. Joseph is looking into how green hydrogen can be costed, so that it is more compatible working with today’s energy system. 
Professor Robert Steinberger-Wilckens.


Why did you choose to join the CDT?
I chose to join the CDT because it gave me the opportunity to build on my interests in the energy sector, which are centred around finding ways to incorporate low-carbon technologies into the energy system. Green hydrogen is an exciting research area with the potential to play an important role in a sustainable future.
Tell us about your PhD
My PhD project is predominantly in the literature phase at present, but I have enjoyed evaluating information from a range of sources and developing a research focus.
What opportunities do you have as a group to interact and support each other?

There are many opportunities to interact and support each other as part of the CDT. This is mostly with students in the same cohort or at the same university, but there is also the wider SusHy group. In-person get-togethers are always enjoyable and range from social events to compulsory training.

What advice would you give to other students looking to join the CDT?

My advice would be to dedicate some time to researching potential projects and pick one that inspires you! Your enthusiasm will then come across naturally and strong motivation will make any obstacles easier to overcome.

What are the best things about being a SusHy CDT student?

The SusHy CDT has a great community, where everybody is keen to help and spend time with one another, and both staff and students are friendly and approachable. There is also a strong knowledge and skills programme which includes a wide range of topics covered as part of the first-year modules.

What advantages have you found in being part of a CDT which spans four universities?

The four universities provide a wealth of resources and each university has its own areas of expertise.

What do you hope to do in the future?

My ultimate goal is to contribute towards achieving net zero and beyond!




Alexandra Brochoire - 102 X 150

Alexandra Brochoire

University of Birmingham (started 2022)

Research area: Proton exchange membrane water electrolysers with thin film nanostructured electrodes.

Project description
The challenge with current proton exchange membrane water electrolysers (PEMWE) is poor power performance and durability; mainly caused by large mass transfer losses and degradation of electrode structure, from random electrode structure from catalyst nanoparticles. Alexandra will seek to develop a new generation of catalyst electrodes from aligned IrO2- and metal oxide-based nanowires for PEMWE applications; taking advantage of the high stability of nanowires and boosted mass transfer characteristics of nanowire arrays unique thin catalyst layers.
Dr Shanfeng Du, Dr Neil Rees.


Why did you choose to join the CDT?
I chose to join the SusHy CDT because I was looking to specialise in green hydrogen production technologies, in particular electrolysers. The CDT appealed to me because it offers introductory modules to the societal aspects of green hydrogen, and also because of the wider research and industry network it offers. 
What is it like to be a student in the CDT?
I get to pursue my doctorate with a community of people also passionate about sustainability and similar research interests.
What opportunities do you have as a group to interact and support each other? 
The SusHy student community is tight-knit, so everyone is usually very happy to help and share opinions about work. This also goes for more personal questions like work-life adjustments, settling into a PhD work routine, etc. 
What advice would you give to other students looking at joining the CDT? 
Take the leap and apply! Get in touch with the supervisors you are interested in and current students. Getting to know the people in the CDT really helps you get a better idea of what it's like to work here. 
What are the best things about being a SusHy student? 
The PhD programme offers more supervision and guidance compared to a regular doctorate. This helps.
What advantages have you found at being part of a CDT that spans four universities?

I am able to access more resources. Also, the respective universities have specific topic niches and it is enriching to talk with different academics.

What do you hope to do in the future?
My current aim is to continue with research and development in green hydrogen production technologies. My long-term ambition is to move to higher leadership positions.


Sam Balmer_photo 130x159

Samuel Balmer

University of Nottingham (started 2023)

Research area: Supported nanoalloys for sustainable hydrogen production.

Project description
Sam is researching supported nanoalloys for sustainable hydrogen production through photocatalysis. Sam’s project aims to investigate the mechanisms that affect photocatalyst performance through pre- and post-reaction analysis using novel approaches to in-situ analysis.
Assistant Professor Anabel Lanterna, Associate Professor Jesum Alves Fernandes


Vinay Patel 130x170

Vinay Patel

University of Birmingham (started 2023)

Research area: Algal biomass to hydrogen: a circular approach for sustainable hydrogen production via eco-friendly supercritical water technology

Project description
Vinay’s project aims to enhance the process of production of hydrogen-rich gas, by gasification of microalgae in supercritical water (SCW) medium. In general, algal biomass contains 20-30% carbohydrate, 10-20% lipid, and 40-60% protein. The ratio of the algae’s composition fractions influences the effect of catalysts (K2CO3 or NaOH) and gasification products. Vinay will investigate hydrothermal conversion of algal biomass to H2-rich gas in a catalytic continuous process of supercritical water gasification (SCWG). Selected strains of wet microalgae (MA) are grown by modern methods (in a photo-bioreactor boosted light delivery, developed at University of Birmingham) to provide algal biomass feedstock.
Professor Bushra Al-Duri, Dr Rafael Orozco


Joseph parkinson resized

Joseph Parkinson

University of Birmingham (started 2023)

Research area: Novel materials and methods in electrocatalysis.

Project description

Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs, e.g. MoS2, WS2) have been the subject of intense research in recent years as low-cost catalysts for the Hydrogen and Oxygen evolution reactions. The chemistry of the catalytically active sites is currently becoming more understood, and Joe’s project seeks to build on these recent advances through: ​

(i) Maximising edge sites through controlled TMD electrodeposition forming porous structures, ​

(ii) Modifying the catalytic sites through metal doping, ​

(iii) Optimising the stability of active sites,​

(iv) Elucidation of mechanistic detail

Dr Neil Rees, Dr Shangfeng Du


Adedayo Dada - 95 X 150

Adedayo Dada

University of Nottingham (started 2022)

Research area: Highly efficient molecular hydrogen-evolution catalysts.

Project description
Molecular hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts allow efficient hydrogen production from water under mild conditions. Adedayo will research development of fully tailorable molecular clusters based on molybdenum/tungsten and sulfur/oxygen. Systems will be combined with conductive nanocarbon materials to develop highly efficient composite electrocatalysts for the water splitting reaction. The stability and efficiency of these systems will be explored during prolonged electrolysis. 

Assistant Professor Graham Newton, Dr Lee Johnson.



Rafael Sanchez_photo resized

Rafael Sanchez

University of Nottingham (started 2023)

Research area: Low-coordinate 3D metal complexes as alternatives to platinum group metals for hydrogen evolution reaction.

Project description
Rafael’s project will develop a range of cobalt(I) organometallic complexes as single metal HER catalysts, where the metal centre is stabilised using highly sterically encumbering ligands. These unique complexes have never been investigated for HER chemistry, despite their favourable redox chemistry and substrate binding environment. The cobalt(I) compounds will be investigated for their redox chemistry and sensitivity to acid, along with their electrochemical response in the HER conditions.
Assistant Professor Graham Newton, Professor Jon McMaster, Professor Deborah Kays


Mickella Dawkins120x150

Mickella Dawkins     

Loughborough University 


Current Role: Project Manager for the Biochar Demonstrator at UoN

Research area: Hydrogen enrichment of natural gas by thermo-catalytic decomposition of methane.

Project description
The gas network currently supplies natural gas to consumers but could instead supply gases, such as hydrogen, in the future. Thermo-catalytic decomposition of methane allows enrichment of natural gas with hydrogen, a carbon-free fuel. Mickella's research is focused on the development of this technology and the incorporation of wind energy.

Dr James Reynolds, Professor Sandie Dann and Professor David Saal.

Stakeholder collaboration


Kieran Heeley120x150

Kieran Heeley     

University of Birmingham 


Research area: Algal biomass to hydrogen: a circular approach for green sustainable processing with enhanced efficiency and minimal waste.

Project description

Kieran's project investigates hydrothermal conversion of algal biomass to H2-rich gas, in a sustainable circular approach. It looks at optimising the catalyst, feedstock and operating conditions to increase the hydrogen yield; whilst maximising the nutrient recovery.


Professor Bushra Al-Duri, Dr Rafael Orozco, Professor Lynne Macaskie.



Esther Mgbemeje photo 130x154

Esther Mgbemeje

Loughborough University (started 2023)

Research area: Green hydrogen production from water splitting powered by renewable electricity.

Project description
Esther’s research will build upon recent fundamental research on new electrocatalysts and electrodes for water electrolysis, and the anion-exchange-membrane (AEM) to further develop membrane-electrode-assembly based water electrolyser for sustainable hydrogen production with the maximum resource and energy efficiencies. Particular attention will be paid to the catalytic electrode-electrolyte interface structure to achieve efficient reaction kinetic, and fast charge and mass transports in the water electrolyser, to minimise overpotential loss and gain maximum voltage and overall system efficiency. The life cycle assessment will also be considered at component levels.
Professor Wen-Feng Lin, Dr Simon Kondrat


Adam McKinley120x130

Adam McKinley     

Loughborough University 


Research area: Catalyst development for low-cost, large-scale sustainable hydrogen production from seawater and renewable energy

Project description
Catalyst development for low-cost large-scale sustainable hydrogen production from seawater and renewable energy. Adam is looking at the oxygen evolution and hydrogen production, via seawater splitting, driven by renewable energy. He is interested in the production and utilisation of low-cost, highly efficient and highly selective catalysts for the process. 
Professor Wen-Feng Lin, Professor Jin Xuan, Professor Darren Walsh. 


Lukas 130x180

Lukas Paulsson-Habegger

University of Nottingham (started 2023)

Research area: Manufacturing conductive oxides as catalyst support for energy efficient production of hydrogen and ammonia.

Project description

Lukas will investigate a variety of solid oxides such as alumina and yttrium-stabilised zirconia and with the aim of characterising a number of properties such as their composition, crystal structures and conductivity, the end goal being to improve their performance in a number of roles such as catalyst supports, solid oxide electrolyser/fuel cell electrolytes, and membranes. This will involve creating and understanding new compositions of materials through doping and defect chemistry, in order to enhance processes such as hydrogen and ammonia production through increased efficiency and performance.


Associate Professor Ming Li, Professor David Grant, Associate Professor Sanliang Ling



Jai-Ram Mistry120x150

Jai-Ram Mistry

Loughborough University 


Current Role: Working at Cambridge Display Technology (CDT) as part of battery team

Research area: Photocatalytic covalent organic frameworks for hydrogen production and storage

Project description
Research area: Photocatalytic covalent organic frameworks for hydrogen production and storage. Jai undertakes research into the use of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) for hydrogen production and storage, as apposed to the popular MOF alternative. The project involves the synthesis of new molecules which can be functionalised onto the surface of COFs; creating photocatalytic and size-specific channels which will permit hydrogen production from water and selective ingress, storage and egress.

Dr Iain Wright, Dr Simon Kondrat.



James Turner-photo resized

James Turner

Loughborough University (started 2023)

Research area: Modelling of photochemical water splitting based on charge accumulation in macrocycles

Project description
Photochemical water splitting using homogeneous catalysts provides a conceptually simple and promising route towards sustainable hydrogen production. At the heart of this processes lies a molecular photosensitizer along with a catalyst. Whereas such photoredox catalytic systems are well-established in other areas of synthetic chemistry, it is a particular challenge that photocatalytic water splitting requires a multielectron process where several electrons are accumulated in one molecular unit. These molecular systems that can accumulate several charges is provided by a class of recently developed macrocycles based on paracyclophanetetraene (PCT), where multiple charges can be stabilized with the occurrence of global aromaticity in the macrocycle. James will investigate prototype macrocyclic catalysts, contrast their properties with existing photoredox catalysts and suggest new candidates, through detailed computational studies.
Dr Felix Plasser, Dr Pooja Goddard


Mulako Dean Mukelabai120x150

Mulako Mukelabai

Loughborough University (started 2021)

Research area: Renewable hydrogen production to transition to clean cooking.

Project description
Mulako's project aims to develop technical and business models, and processes that will enable hydrogen produced from renewable energy to be utilised for cooking.This process is understood; however, the system needs not just the right technology, it also needs the development of the right business model, human capacity and social acceptance to bring about the transformation of traditional cooking practices. 

Dr Richard Blanchard, Professor Upul Wijayantha, Dr Alastair Livesey.



Aryamman Sanyal120x150

Aryamman Sanyal

Loughborough University (started 2021)

Research area: Reactor design and performance optimisation for catalytic hydrogen production from methane.

Project description
Aryamman's project aims to design, develop and test hydrogen generation reactor suitable for advanced catalyst, that demonstrate high H2 yield and efficient carbon separation. Natural gas into hydrogen and graphite has the potential to be highly disruptive and presents substantial value, if the process can be scaled up to commercial quantities. 

Professor Weeratunge Malalasekera, Professor Upul Wijayantha.



Jack Shacklock120X150

Jack Shacklock

Loughborough University 


Research area: Lowering the H2 cost in methane cracking technology by using solid carbon as an energy storage material.

Project description

Jack’s research is designed to investigate the systematic alteration of process conditions to obtain value-added solid carbon, specifically for energy storage, whilst still maintaining a high yield of hydrogen. Initial studies have been conducted to improve the methane cracking process to increase yield and longevity. By-product carbon has separated in batch processes and been studied in electrochemical supercapacitors, demonstrating a high rate of performance compared to commercial carbon used for supercapacitor manufacturing. These results suggest lowering the cost of turquoise hydrogen, by finding applications for by-product carbon, is promising. Further studies are currently underway to separate by-product carbon in real-time operation (as opposed to batch process) and evaluate their performance in applications.


Professor Upul Wijayantha, Dr Niladri Banerjee.



Bakhtawar Ahmed 130x160

Bakhtawar Ahmed 

University of Nottingham (started 2022)

Research area: Developing imide/amide catalysts for the amonia decomposition process to produce hydrogen.

Project description

Ammonia has the potential to provide itself as an effective medium for energy storage in the form of hydrogen. Implementing this idea of transforming existing hydrocarbon-based energy sources to renewable and essentially zero carbon energy in the form of hydrogen, requires overcoming limitations and working on research gaps. ​

The production of hydrogen from ammonia (NH₃) through catalytic decomposition has gained significant attention as a potential avenue for clean and efficient hydrogen production. Developing efficient catalysts for this process is crucial to enhance the kinetics and selectivity of ammonia decomposition, thereby enabling the large-scale utilization of ammonia as a hydrogen carrier. Bakhtawar’s project will explore group 2 and transition metal imide/amide catalysts for ammonia decomposition, with an aim to operate the process at lower temperature and pressure. Bakhtawar will investigate sustainable catalysts, avoiding resource limited rare earth metals.


Associate Professor Joshua Makepeace



Antonia Dase 130x173

Antonia Dase

University of Nottingham (started 2020)

Research area: Development of dehydrogenation catalysts for hydrogen storage materials.

Project description

​Antonia is working on the development of catalysts based upon earth abundant metals for application towards hydrogen storage materials including ammonia borane and metal borohydride ammoniates. Critical to the project is developing a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms involved the dehydrogenation of these materials in order to optimise catalytic performance. ​


Professor Deborah Kays, Dr Saad Salman, Professor David Grant



Thomas Liddy - 103 x 150

Thomas Liddy

University of Nottingham (started 2022)

Research area: Insights on metal nanoclusters (de)hydrogenation for onboard hydrogen storage application using electron microscopy and spectroscopy techniques.

Project description
Development of volumetric efficient solid-state hydrogen storage materials is crucial for transport sector decarbonisation. Magnesium hydride nanoparticles are among the most promising H2 storage materials, due to high H2 storage capacity (7.6 wt.%) and low cost ($3/kg). However, slow kinetics and high working temperature (ca. 250 ⁰C) limit commercial application for onboard H2 storage. To improve its properties (higher kinetics, lower temperature) Thomas’s project will utilise metal nanoclusters (MNCs); which are fundamentally different compared to more widely used metal nanoparticles (diameters >2 nm), where majority of metal atoms remain ‘hidden’ within the lattice, excluded from participation in useful chemistry.

Associate Professor Jesum Alves Fernandes, Professor David Grant.

Stakeholder collaboration


Samuel Lines120x150

Samuel Lines

University of Nottingham (started 2021)

Research area: Computational modelling of solid-state hydrogen storage materials.

Project descriptionProject description
Samuel's project aims to understand the composition-structure-property correlations of solid-state hydrogen storage materials, through accurate density functional theory simulations of existing and hypothetical materials. The most promising candidate materials discovered from the simulations will be synthesised and characterised, and their hydrogen storage properties will be validated by experiments. 
Associate Professor Sanliang Ling, Professor Martin Dornheim, Professor David Grant.


Isabelle Marriott - 100 X 150

Isabelle Marriott 

University of Nottingham (started 2022)

Research area: Base metal catalysis of acceptorless alcohol dehydrogenation for hydrogen storage.

Project description

Catalytic acceptorless alcohol dehydrogenation is an atom-economical approach for alcohol oxidation, without need for an oxidant.

Reversible dehydrogenation/hydrogenation catalysis from this reaction provides a route to the use of organic molecules derived from biomass as liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs). Alcohols such as ethylene glycol, glycerol and the C4-C6 analogues erythritol, xylitol and sorbitol are considered to be potentially useful biomass-derived feedstocks; derived from agricultural or lumber resources, including waste streams and gravimetric hydrogen storage capacities, meeting targets set by the EU and the US Department of Energy. 

Isabelle’s project will investigate a range of low coordinate and pincer complexes of the first-row transition metals in order to achieve the acceptorless dehydrogenation reactions and, with appropriate candidates, investigate the possibility of undertaking the reverse reaction with addition of H2.


Professor Deborah Kays, Professor Peter Licence.



Alex McGrath120x150

Alex McGrath

University of Nottingham 


Research area: Synthesis and characterisation of metal alloys for hydrogen storage and related applications.

Project description
Alex's project aims to experimentally synthesise new metal alloys shortlisted by computational screening; and characterise their physical, chemical and structural nature along with their thermodynamic and kinetic properties, during hydrogenation and de-hydrogenation.
Professor David Grant, Assistant Professor Sanliang Ling.
Stakeholder collaboration


Elizabeth Agathanggelou 130x167

Elizabeth Agathanggelou

University of Nottingham (started 2023)

Research area: H2COOL - dual energy store for refrigerated transportation.

Project description
Elizabeth’s project will be part of H2COOL, a project which aims to develop metal hydrides to take advantage of their endothermic dehydrogenation, to provide cooling for refrigeration, in addition to hydrogen storage. This dual-use store has the potential application for transporting perishable goods in heavy goods vehicles, as the hydrogen release can be used for powering a hydrogen fuel cell whilst the cooling effect refrigerates the cargo space inside.
Professor David Grant, Assistant Professor Alastair Stuart, Dr Matthew Wadge, Professor Martin Dornheim


Oliver Morrison120x150

Oliver Morrison

University of Nottingham 


Research area: Hydrogenation of storage materials.

Project description
Oliver is applying machine learning models to run accurate molecular dynamic simulations, with an emphasis on understanding the (de)hydrogenation reactions in metal hydrides. A more detailed understanding of these reactions will inform the selection of improved hydrogen storage materials.

Associate Professor Sanliang Ling, Professor David Grant.  



Una OHara120x150

Una O'Hara     

University of Birmingham 


Research area: Development of high-performance complex hydrides.

Project description

Una is investigating thermodynamic tuning of boron and nitrogen-based complex metal hydrides (CMHs), synthesized by chemical and mechano-chemical routes.

Nano-structuring by encapsulation in mesoporous-frameworks seeks to enhance cyclic stability, discharge and recharge rates whilst maintaining storage capacity. The materials will be characterised using a wide range of techniques to assess electrical, thermal and hydrogen storage properties.

Associate Professor Joshua Makepeace, Professor David Book.


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Jacob Prosser

University of Nottingham 


Current Role: Technology Analyst at WSS Energy Consulting

Research area: High capacity single and mixed metal borohydrides ammoniates for hydrogen energy storage applications.

Project description

Jacob is researching the synthesis and characterisation of single and mixed metal borohydrides ammoniates (MBA/MMBAs), to increase the hydrogen storage performance of these materials and elucidate the reaction mechanisms of the decomposition process. 

He is assessing the influence of metal charge density, electronegativity, additional metal cations and the number of ammonia ligands on the hydrogen storage performance.

Professor David Grant.


Why did you choose to join the CDT?
I was interesting in researching green energy technologies, especially hydrogen. The more I looked into it, the more I realised I wanted to work in hydrogen storage. I also liked the idea of a CDT where there are many researchers working towards a common goal.
What is it like to be a student in the CDT?
It’s good, I really enjoy having friends within and across cohorts, to discuss our research but also to socialise outside of our PhDs.  
Tell us about your PhD and what you enjoy most about it?
I’m aiming to make novel metal and mixed metal borohydride ammoniates, which have enhanced hydrogen storage properties compared to those in the literature. I’ve enjoyed testing the theories developed from my literature review to see whether they are correct. There is also a sense of achievement when gathering the experimental data knowing that this will help form part of your thesis.  
What opportunities do you have as a group to interact with and support each other?
The CDT provides opportunities to interact with everyone; such as thorugh the stakeholder events, challenges and Power Trader workshop. In addition to work related activities, there are social events run for the students at Christmas and in the summer. Outside of CDT-run events, the students themselves often organise events regularly such as Journal Club and weekly pub quizzes.  
What advice would you give to other students looking at joining the CDT?
Try and speak to the lead supervisors of the projects you’re interested in before accepting. Do a little reading around the area and bring questions to make sure it’s the right project for you. A PhD requires a lot of self-discipline, you need to be confident that you can manage your own time and be accountable for your research. 
What are the best things about being a SusHy student?
Definitely being part of a large programme with many students in the same situation. A PhD can be daunting and lonely at times but in the CDT you quickly learn that you are not the only one and everyone is happy to help/chat.
What advantages have you found at being part of a CDT that spans four universities?
You get access to equipment and facilities across all four universities. You are able to attend various conferences and events also happening at your non-host university.  
What do you hope to do in the future?

I’d like to be in industry working within the hydrogen sector where I can continue to develop the technical skills gained from my PhD studies.



Faris Elasha 130x176

Faris Elasha

Loughborough University (started 2023)

Research area: Low-pressure, low-cost hydrogen storage technology

Project description
Currently green hydrogen production and storage is focused primarily around electrolyser technology with high pressure storage. However, there are many uses for hydrogen aside from the transportation industry that do not require compressing hydrogen to high pressures. For example, in the context of adding Hydrogen to the gas supply system of up to 20%, pressures to domestic premises can be between 75 mbar and 2 bar, a big step down from the 350-700 bar of a high pressure system. It makes more sense from an energy perspective to store the hydrogen at low pressures and avoid the round trip energy cost and the financial cost of the compressors and tanks. There is no low-pressure low-cost, hydrogen storage products on the market. 
Dr Edward Barbour, Dr Jonathan Wilson


Chris Ryder120x150

Chris Ryder

University of Nottingham 


Current Role: Carbon Ratings Scientist at BeZero Carbon

Research area: High-throughput cycling coupled XPS of hydrogen storage materials.

Project description
Chris's research looks into the application of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to samples in high-pressure environments. He is particularly interested in developing a method which extends XPS to pressures compatible with hydrogen storage.

Associate Professor James O’Shea, Professor David Grant.



Amelia-rose-edgley 130x174

Amelia-Rose Edgley

University of Nottingham (started 2022)

Research area: Nanostructured hydrogen storage materials for offshore green hydrogen.

Project description
Metal hydrides are a more compact storage medium than compressed gas or liquid hydrogen. If a successful candidate can be found, metal hydrides can be used to simplify the equipment needed for an offshore hydrogen generation platform. Amelia is researching into higher capacity metal hydrides that are also resistant to the impurities found by generating hydrogen from seawater electrolysis.
Professor David Grant, Dr Marcus Adams


Yassin Ziar photo 130x160

Yassin Ziar

University of Nottingham (started 2021)

Research area: Modular additive manufacturing

for next-generation hydrogen storage.

Project description

Compact hydrogen storage is a challenge for hydrogen vehicles, with current vessels being too large and operating at high pressures. Solid state metal hydrides (MH) can store large quantities of hydrogen in smaller volumes and at lower pressure but have not made it to market, as suitable vessels have not been developed. Yassin's project will investigate the design and manufacture of a new compact MH storage vessel.


Dr Ian Maskery, Assistant Professor Alastair Stuart. 




Emily Dunkerley - 119 X 150

Emily Blackett

University of Nottingham (started 2022)

Research area: Advanced hydrogen sensing platform based on functionalised metal-organic frameworks.

Project description

Developing efficient sensor materials with superior performance for selective, fast and sensitive hydrogen detection is essential for environmental protection and human health. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) – crystalline and porous solid materials constructed from metal nodes (metal ions or clusters) and functional organic ligands – are of interest for gas sensing for their large surface area, adjustable pore size, tunable functional sites and intriguing properties; such as electrical conductivity, magnetism, ferroelectricity, luminescence and chromism.

Emily’s project aims to fabricate novel multi-functional MOFs with improved sensitivity and stability for hydrogen detection.  

Assistant Professor Oluwafunmilola Ola, Professor Elena Besley


Niko Hilmi - 84 X 150

Niko Hilmi     

University of Nottingham (started 2022)

Research area: Composite membranes for H2 purification

Project description

H2 is a high quality and clean energy carrier. Most hydrogen is produced by steam methane reforming, followed by water-gas shift reaction, with bio-hydrogen production increasing. Before hydrogen is used in fuel cell and other applications CO2 and CH4 resulting from production processes has to be removed. Membrane-based separation technologies are promising alternatives to conventional separation technologies, i.e: pressure swing adsorption, due to low energy consumption. 

Niko’s project will explore development of metal-organic frameworks (MOF)/polymer mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) with enhanced H2 selectivity, to enable membrane based H2 purification.

Professor Begum Tokay, Assistant Professor Andrea Laybourn
Stakeholder collaboration


Ramas photo resized

Ramas Al Qudah

University of Nottingham (started 2023)

Research area: Innovative materials for thermal compression - solving the challenge of hydrogen compression.

Project description
Ramas’ project focuses on overcoming challenges currently present in the field of hydrogen compression. Through utilizing the thermodynamics of metal hydrides, solid–state compression circumvents some of the economic and safety concerns present in mechanical compression. MHHC utilize high-pressure alloys to absorb hydrogen and compress it by heating the metal hydride. Ramas’ project is centred around researching and developing suitable AB2 group alloys that will provide the desired isotherms with low hysteresis, flat pressure plateaus, and fast kinetics. Ramas aims to improve the efficiency of hydrogen compression through analysing hydrogen uptake, as well as thermodynamic and kinetic measurements for various alloy compositions. High-pressure alloy properties will be characterized by using analytical techniques such as XRD, SEM, and XPS. Moreover, Ramas’ project also aims to evaluate and modify the design of existing solid-state compressor prototypes to enable its successful deployment for hydrogen compression applications
Professor David Grant, Assistant Professor Alastair Stuart, Dr Marcus Adams.


Luke Thompson - 88 X 150

Luke Thompson

University of Nottingham (started 2022)

Research area: Efficient hydrogen seperation using proton-conducting ceramic membranes and electrochemical cells.

Project description

Most hydrogen used today is produced from fossil fuels (e.g., through steam reforming of natural gas, coal gasification). Product gases consist mainly of H2 and CO2, and other impurity gases (CH4 and CO). Energy-efficient and low-cost hydrogen separation constitutes a crucial process to move towards a hydrogen economy.​

Luke’s project aims to achieve energy-efficient and low-cost hydrogen separation using proton conducting ceramic membranes for hydrogen rich streams, generated through reforming of natural gas as well as onsite purification of hydrogen close to the point of end use for dilute hydrogen streams; distributed through natural gas pipelines using ceramic proton electrochemical cells (hydrogen pumps). Dense ceramic membranes made of mixed protonic-electronic conductors (MPECs) are capable of separating hydrogen from gas mixtures with 100 % selectivity, reduced energy penalty and cost compared to well-established techniques such as pressure swing adsorption technique.

Associate Professor Ming Li, Professor Begum Tokay, Professor David Grant


Patrick Powell120x150

Patrick Powell     

University of Birmingham (started 2021)

Research area: Using hydrogen as a processing gas to produce rare earth magnets.

Project description

Hydrogen is used in the conventional production of sintered (rare earth) neodymium-iron-boron magnets and in the recycling of these materials. In recent years new methods to manufacture rare earth magnets based on a process called the Hydrogen Ductilisation Process have been found. This process reduces the number of processing steps, reduces waste and could give a significant economic advantage to magnet manufacture.

However, the process is far from optimised and the aim of Patrick’s project will be to develop this process.


Professor Allan Walton, Dr Richard Sheridan, Professor David Book.



Why did you choose to join the CDT?
Previously, I wasn’t a student at any of the four universities. When looking online at potential postgraduate research opportunities, the CDT really stuck out to me. I thought it was a great idea for research collaboration surrounding a specific theme. I knew that I wanted to go into something materials science based, and SusHy offered study in a range of subject areas (including a variety of materials science projects).
What is it like to be a student at the CDT?

It’s great to have a research community surrounding hydrogen, knowing we will always look out for one another going forward. I feel that I have been able to develop skills and understanding which I wouldn’t have been able to, had I not been a part of the CDT. Some of these are things which I had no idea about, so it’s really been a great experience in that regard. 

Tell us about your PhD and what you enjoy most about it?
My PhD is focused on a new processing route (using hydrogen) for permanent magnets. This process is very new and not being researched outside of our group, so there is still a lot to learn. I am really enjoying the freedom to carve my own pathway in the research that I’m doing. While the baseline of the project is set out, while doing research you will find obstacles or new directions which the research could be taken in. It feels rewarding to find these and take the research there if it seems right.
What opportunities do you have as a group to interact and support each other?
We have regular conferences, skills development courses and social events which give us the opportunity to see each other. External events are also a place that we regularly see each other, as we are all in the same academic subject area and so it is likely that someone from the CDT besides ourselves will be there. We also have the opportunity to visit each other’s universities (for example if we need to use a specific piece of equipment) to collaborate on research.
What advice would you give to other students looking to join the CDT?

Even if you don’t know much about hydrogen, it’s okay! I hardly knew anything when I first joined, but that’s why we have a year of learning and now I feel well versed in the subject of hydrogen.

If you’re successful, be open to the opportunities that the CDT provides. We really are lucky to be in this position and the opportunities are so great for personal development. Other students don’t get the same scope, so it’s something that is important and beneficial to embrace.

What are the best things about being a SusHy student? 
Having a community of students across the universities is great, even if we are researching different things we still have a basic understanding of what each other’s research is about. It is enjoyable when we see each other for SusHy events or otherwise (collaborations, general travel, etc). It’s comforting to know that whatever I go on to do in the future, I have these connections.
What advantages have you found at being part of a CDT that spans four universities?
The ability to gain a postgraduate diploma equivalent (from the first year of study) has allowed me to grow in my understanding of a variety of disciplines. I feel that my thinking would be quite two-dimensional without this year of study. I was also able to greatly improve my writing and reading skills, something which I have always struggled with. Ultimately these make me a more well-rounded researcher and communicator.
What do you hope to do in the future?
Currently, I’m thinking that I would like to work in industry after my PhD. I have really enjoyed the hands-on aspect of research, so ideally it would be something in that regard. However, as a person I very much go with the flow of things, so I’m not too stuck in that idea. I’m hoping to find a relevant secondment in industry so that I can experience what that world is like.



Hazir Abbasi120X150

Hazhir Ebne-Abbasi

Ulster University 


Current Role: Research associate positions in Ulster University in the Hydrogen Safety Engineering and Research (HySAFER) centre

Research area: Assessment and mitigation of hydrogen-fuelled vehicle hazards

Project description
The project Hazhir is exploring aims to close knowledge gaps associated with safety of high-pressure hydrogen storage relevant to hydrogen-fuelled transport; and to develop novel engineering models for such areas as predicting thermal condition of tank structure, safe fuelling and defueling of onboard tanks and prevention of tank rupture in a fire, etc. 

Dr Dmitriy Makarov, Professor Vladimir Molkov.



Why did you choose to join the CDT?
Previously, I was working on using hydrogen in internal combustion engines. Looking for a suitable position in the Hydrogen subject, I found out that SusHy CDT provides great PhD positions; which not only includes research but one-year education in different prestigious universities. This education can help you achieve your academic and even your future career goals more easily. What an interesting position it is! 
What is it like to be a student in the CDT?
It is like nothing else. You start your PhD having multiple interesting modules in four prestigious universities, and you get the chance to use experiences and acquire knowledge from many people from different places. It is also a great networking opportunity to become familiar with many famous people in your field. 
Tell us about your PhD and what you enjoy most about it?
I mainly work on hydrogen safety. One of the key barriers to the acceptance of hydrogen is its safety. How to deal with hydrogen in different accident scenarios is our focus. We want to make sure that the risk of using hydrogen is similar or even less than the current traditional fuels. I enjoy the fact that hydrogen is not inherently more dangerous than other fuels and education can help people to use it without having any concerns about its usage
What opportunities do you have as a group to interact and support each other?
Finding new friends who can help and support each other is one of the main advantages of studying your PhD at the SusHy CDT. Each student in SusHy has a different background. Using each others' backgrounds and experiences, the students can help each other with different hydrogen problems and even help each other to reach their goals. 
What advice would you give to other students looking at joining the CDT?
In the first instance, having a four year PhD study - instead of three - might not be a very ideal choice. But when you realize that the one year extra helps you to learn many new topics, which helps you to prepare and tackle your future career goals, you notice that it is worth it! 
What are the best things about being a SusHy student? 
There are many great benefits to having your PhD in SusHy CDT including a unique one year teaching period which gives you access to four universities research facilities, finding connections in different universities, finding new friends whom you can rely on, and a very generous Research Training Suppot Grant which can be used to cover your research requirements.
As an international student, how did you find the process of joining the CDT?
Joining the CDT was very easy for me. After a few friendly online meetings and interviews, I got admission. You will be guided on each step and the only thing you have to do is to fill some online forms and that’s it! You become a student in four different universities in the UK! 
What advantages have you found at being part of a CDT that spans four universities? 
I could have access to all four universities' libraries and online services, including provided software. Also, you have the chance to visit their research labs and have multiple activities in the universities. For me, learning many great modules at different universities and using the experience and knowledge from pioneers in the hydrogen field was the most important advantage. 
What do you hope to do in the future? 
The answer is simple; use my acquired hydrogen knowledge to help the world become a better place to live! 


Shiqi Cui 130x182

Shiqi Cui     

Ulster University (started 2023)

Research area: Safety of hydrogen and natural gas blends.

Project description
Shiqi’s research will focus on injecting hydrogen into natural gas pipelines and quickly mixing hydrogen and methane evenly. The homogeneous mixing of hydrogen and methane helps to prevent hydrogen embrittlement in the pipeline to prevent leakage from spreading. Safe handling of hydrogen and hydrogen-natural gas mixtures and understanding of the hazards and associated risks from leakage will also be included in future studies. These include (but are not limited to) hazard distances defined by the extent of the flammable cloud, and thermal effects from jet fire. Shiqi will focus on theoretical modelling and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The research objective is to develop safety engineering tools related to hydrogen-methane mixtures. This will include consideration of theoretical modelling of unignited and ignited jets of hydrogen-methane mixtures and the effect of buoyancy on release.
Dr Sile Brennan, Dr Dmitriy Makarov, Professor Vladimir Molkov


Atish Gawale - 107 X 150

Atish Gawale     

Ulster University (started 2022)

Research area: Safety strategies and engineering solutions for hydrogen heavy-duty vehicles.

Project description

Pursuit of a low carbon economy means practical implementation of zero-emission applications, including hydrogen-fuelled heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) such as buses and trucks. Hydrogen’s use in public transport implies stringent bus design requirements. 

Atish’s project will review ‘old’ and new HDV hazards of different designs and sectors; identifying and analysing existing prevention and mitigation safety strategies, engineering solutions, knowledge gaps and technological bottlenecks in provision of HDV safety. 


Dr Sergii Kashkarov, Dr Dmitriy Makarov, Professor Vladimir Molkov.




Mina Kazemi     

Ulster University 


Current Role: Research associate positions in Ulster University in the Hydrogen Safety Engineering and Research (HySAFER) centre

Research area: Hazards and mitigation of hydrogen releases in underground parking.

Project description
The scope of Mina's doctoral study includes the identification and prioritisation of relevant knowledge gaps, performing analytical and numerical studies to close identified knowledge gaps; and the development of innovative safety strategies and engineering solutions to prevent and mitigate accidents with hydrogen powered vehicles in confined infrastructures, specifically carparks. 

Dr Sile Brennan, Dr Dmitriy Makarov, Professor Vladimir Molkov.



Why did you choose to join the CDT? 
I decided to apply to the CDT because their goal was to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by improving feasible methods and strategies to facilitate the growth in renewable hydrogen energy and storage. I had not been a student at any of the partner universities before, however, after looking online about this research field I found the Sustainable Hydrogen CDT and that helped me decide to be part of the team, and play a role in hydrogen fire safety research.
What is it like to be a student in the CDT?
On becoming a student here it is really helpful to have a proper understanding of the fundamental principles in mathematics, physics as well as economics. Then, they will gain a better understanding of all aspects involved in the transition of hydrogen technologies to the energy system such as societal, economical, scientific and political aspects; which are linked to each other in order to deliver hydrogen technologies helping to transition to a low carbon economy.
Tell us about your PhD and what you enjoy most about it ?
By and large, I am working on hydrogen fire safety strategies at the moment. To be more specific, I am mostly interested in Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) including the numerical simulation of hydrogen jet fire in order to study nozzle design. CFD significantly reduces the cost of full or small scale experiments. 
 Describe the opportunities you have as a group to interact and support each other?
In my team, we always interact with each other. We support each other doing tasks and help each other perform CFD simulations for a specific problem. Furthermore, each member, is completing a part of the project in order to deliver the whole project properly, so everyone know their responsibilities and as a result it all runs very nicely; whether meeting deadlines or catching up with reports and articles.
What advice would you give to other students looking at joining the CDT?
I'd advise them to learn basic principles in terms of scientific, economic, social and political aspects during the first year by participating in the course modules. During the time working on the thesis, students need to keep everything on the schedule in order to meet the deadlines regarding progress reports, conferences, as well journal papers. I would say they need to participate in conferences and meetings as much as they can, in order to keep their pace with other students and keep themselves updated on leading-edge researchers.
Overall what are the best things about being a SusHy student?
Feeling supported by academics in terms of research and pastoral support, as well as gaining a deep multi-disciplinary understanding of a wide range of areas (economic, political, scientific); whilst conducting state-of the-art research under the supervision of academics who are leaders in their field. 
As an international student, how did you find the process of joining the CDT?
It was not hard for me. As I started to find opportunities associated with my research interests online, I became familiar with the hydrogen safety team at Ulster University; one of the CDT partner universities. Their research helps improve and gain people's trust in the safety of hydrogen technologies. After I contacted the team, they arranged a meeting for an interview. I felt so comfortable and happy during the meeting with the professors, and I am so glad that I was offered a place to be a member of the team.
What advantages have you found at being part of a CDT that spans four universities?
The CDT is great, as I have been able to meet some of the best academics; delivering interdisciplinary science, engineering, economics and politics in terms of hydrogen energy. I also lilke interacting with different students from different fields, as well as different nationalities, which is enjoyable and supportive. 


Srinivas Sivaraman120x150

Srinivas Sivaraman

Ulster University (started 2021)

Research area: Safety of using ammonia in the hydrogen economy.

Project description

The use of ammonia in industries and its transportation offers practical, cost-effective storage and transport of large quantities of hydrogen.

Using ammonia as hydrogen carrier, calls for a reassessment of hazards and risks. Srinivas's project aims to develop safety strategies and solutions for handling large quantities of ammonia used as a hydrogen carrier during transport, storage onboard and using in relevant infrastructure.


Dr Dmitriy Makarov, Professor Vladimir Molkov, Dr Volodymyr Shentsov.



Why did you choose to join the CDT?

This was my first time here in the UK. I decided to join the SusHy CDT for various reasons. I wanted to do my PhD in the topic of safety engineering in relation to the hydrogen economy; and I was particularly interested in working with Prof. Vladimir Molkov and Dr. Dmitriy Makarov, who are well-known for their research in this field. I was intrigued by the level of inter-disciplinary knowledge and engagement I discovered in the CDT team, particularly the variety of expertise brought to the team; experts with whom I can consult at anytime.

What is it like to be a student in the CDT?
As a CDT student, you don't have to be hesitant in bringing up any matters of concern. Be it professional or personal, someone is always there to guide you and help you out; your seniors from other cohorts, home university supervisors and the CDT team.  
Tell us about your PhD and what you enjoy most about it?
I am working in computational research, emphasizing the safety aspects of using ammonia as a decarbonisation vector. Through this research, I will be working from a fundamental and applied safety engineering point of view, for utilising ammonia to its full potential in the road to zero emission goals. Especially what makes me more excited is the fact that at the moment ammonia is receiving so much interest for its use in maritime sector as a transportation fuel; which means that whatever I learn will help in closing research gaps (small or big), which could improve the domain critical knowledge for preventing catastrophic accidents.
What opportunities do you have as a group to interact and support each other?  
I was surprised by the number of regular interactions, skill development sessions, and informal coffee meetings organised by the CDT team. Furthermore, a student initiative known as “CDT peer buddy meetings”, introduced by my CDT colleague Mickella Dawkins, is conducted every month between a senior cohort student and the newly recruited cohort students; to give them a sense of comfort towards the start of their PhD, professional help if possible and guidance in general.  
What advice would you give to other students looking at joining the CDT? 
If you are passionate about the subject and feel you would enjoy working through your PhD as a team, then the SusHy CDT is definitely the right option for you.  
What are the best things about being a SusHy student? 
  • Contacts and network, multi-cultural and inter-disciplinary exposure.
  • If you have a doubt in your field, all you have to do is find the person in the CDT who is working in a similar field. Rest assured, your doubt will be cleared or at-least you will have the right resources  
  • Support. Unlike other PhD students, you not only have your own supervisors but also the CDT senior staff - Dr. Gavin Walker and Dr. Kandavel Manickam - which means you can reach out to anyone in case of any issue  
  • Stakeholder conferences – You get to know a lot of industry people through these meetings.
  • Inter-university trips - Ulster, Nottingham, Loughborough, and Birmingham all are unique universities in their own ways; which means you get to experience all of it in just 4 years (trips are fun) 
As an international student, how did you find the process of joining the CDT?
As an international student it might be difficult to understand the huge amounts of administrative tasks that must be completed for application, registration, visa and other purposes; but I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of assistance I received from the CDT team. Dr. Kandavel Manickam, Programme Manager, in particular, was always available to answer any questions. Mickella Dawkins and Courtney Quinn, CDT seniors in Cohorts 1 and 2, were really helpful throughout the process, pointing me onto the correct path. If you're an international student, there will likely be a lot of information to process in the first few months and you may be scared, but you can be certain that the CDT team and seniors will be there to help you throughout.
What advantages have you found at being part of a CDT that spans four universities? 
Endless access to research resources. Being in a computational research group at Ulster, I would need access to multiple papers from different publishers; sometimes if I can’t access these through Ulster then I can use either of the other three universities' access points.
What do you hope to do in the future?
I want to pursue my research in the energy sector, working in different projects for improving the safety of contemporary technologies aimed towards energy transition.  




Harvey Craddock-Monroe120x150

Harvey Monroe

Loughborough University 


Research area: Development of odour additives for use in hydrogen technology.

Project description
The remit of the project Harvey is undertaking involves the design and synthesis of new odour additives for hydrogen storage, and then benchmarking them against the current industry standard(s). 
Dr Marc Kimber, Dr Gareth Pritchard.


Samir Soares120x150

Samir Soares

University of Nottingham 


Current Role: Short-term research at Built Environment at UoN

Research area: Hydrogen for a sustainable built environment.

Project description
Samir's research builds upon significant existing investment that created a unique hydrogen research facility at the Creative Energy Homes. The project will produce a working demonstrator, including control for hydrogen as a Novel Multi-Energy Vector  for Hydrogen Energy Generation-Storage-Use in the built environment. 

Professor Mark Gillott, Assistant Professor Alastair Stuart.



Will Bowling120x150

Will Bowling 

University of Nottingham 


Current Role: Hydrogen Production Systems Engineer at the Energy Systems Catapult

Research area: Experimental study of advanced ammonia fuelled heavy duty IC engines under low load operator.

Project description
Will is undertaking research in Turbulent Jet Ignition technology, enabling the use of ammonia as a fuel. Specific interests surround producing a zero carbon internal combustion engine platform, that gives similar efficiencies to a larger fuel cell vehicle. 
Professor Alasdair Cairns, Professor Antonino La Rocca, Dr Richard Jefferson-Loveday. 


Why did you choose to join the CDT?
I was previously a MEng Mechanical Engineering student at Nottingham and was approached by a lecturer to consider a PhD opportunity. Although interesting, the PhD was not in the field I wanted to go into; instead I approached another lecturer who was working with alternative fuels and transport decarbonisation, and began conversations with them. This led me to taking up a project and approaching the CDT for funding and support. 
Tell us about your PhD and what you enjoy most about it?
My PhD focus is on utilising advanced combustion methods to enable the operation of ammonia fuelled internal combustion engines, with the intention of reducing emissions in global shipping. I enjoy the ownership I have over my project, especially the idea that my work could genuinely make a difference in the future. 
What opportunities do you have as a group to interact and support each other?
In the first year, we completed a lot of modules together, as well as taking part in stakeholder events. In later years we have the opportunity to work together in stakeholder challenges. 
What advice would you give to other students looking at joining the CDT?
Enthusiasm around your project is the most important part of your PhD, in the application stage but also throughout.  
What are the best things about being a SusHy student? 
Our cohort gives us the opportunity to organise social events with students in similar situations. 
What advantages have you found in being part of a CDT that spans four universities? 
Institutional access to papers that my home university doesn’t have access to. 
What do you hope to do in the future?
I would like to go into industry and continue to work towards reducing global emissions.


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Gagan Krishna Gopakumar Suja

University of Nottingham (started 2023)

Research area: Experimental study of renewable fuels for clean heavy-duty diesel engines.

Project description
Renewable fuels are promising solutions to replace conventional fossil fuels across heavy transportation, as they are relatively clean (both at the production stage as well as in end use). Gagan’s research will study one pathway for introducing renewable fuel into an existing heavy duty diesel engine. The experiments will involve using a much smaller amount of diesel to initiate power generation from the main renewable fuel, which will be injected into the engine separately of the diesel. Such an engine will still be capable of operating effectively on conventional diesel when renewable fuels are not available. Gagan’s project aims to understand the detailed thermodynamics involved and to measure the efficiency and detailed emissions of the engine under a wide variety of operating conditions.
Professor Alastair Cairns, Professor Antonino La Rocca


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Zak Waite

University of Nottingham (started 2020)

Research area: To a 100% hydrogen domestic boiler.

Project description

Zak's project seeks to redesign the domestic boiler so that hydrogen can be used as a network fuel.

At the moment because methane, which is currently used, burns quite differently from hydrogen our current domestic boilers cannot be used.  


Dr Donald Giddings, Professor David Grant, Professor Robin Irons.

Stakeholder collaboration